Ja’Marr Chase Accuses Kansas City Chiefs Player Of Wanting To Fight During Intense Game

Image Source: Ja’Marr Chase @ Instagram

The Kansas City defense held the Cincinnati offense in check in the second half, preventing them from scoring any points.

Quarterback Jake Browning threw for 197 yards, with Ja’Marr Chase as his top target, but Chase only managed 41 yards on three receptions.

Earlier in the week, Chase had criticized Kansas City’s secondary, stating that he didn’t believe the Chiefs had a standout defensive player.

It seems that Sneed took this criticism personally.

During the game, Bengals wide receiver Ja’Marr Chase and Chiefs defensive back L’jarius Sneed were involved in a pushing altercation that almost escalated into a larger brawl.

After the game, Chase accused Sneed of simply wanting to fight.

“I don’t know what he was doing… that guy wanted to fight,” Chase told reporters.

Cincinnati and Kansas City have developed one of the most intense rivalries in the NFL in recent years. They faced off in the AFC Championship Game in each of the past two postseasons, with Cincinnati winning in 2021 and Kansas City exacting revenge in 2022.

However, they will not have the opportunity to meet this season as the Bengals have been eliminated from playoff contention.

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