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Kyler Murray Decides to Pursue Football, Trading Long-term Health for Short-term Gains

On Monday, Kyler Murray announced his commitment to becoming an NFL quarterback, prioritizing immediate financial benefits over potential long-term injury risks.

Murray expressed his dedication to football in a tweet, emphasizing his lifelong passion for the sport and his determination to excel as a quarterback in the NFL. He also mentioned his intensive training regimen to prepare for upcoming NFL activities and showcase his abilities to league decision-makers.

Despite being selected by the Oakland A’s as the 9th overall pick in the 2018 MLB draft, Murray’s recent decision indicates that he has resolved his football-baseball dilemma.

Heading into the 2019 NFL draft, the former Oklahoma QB is a potential top 10 pick with considerable financial rewards, making the short-term gains appealing compared to his current baseball contract with Oakland.

Based on data from Spotrac, the sixth pick in the NFL draft is valued at 4 years $25.5 million, including a guaranteed $16.5 million signing bonus, significantly exceeding his current deal with Oakland.

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