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LeBron James Leads Lakers to 19-Point Comeback Win Over Rockets

Just a day after mentioning that the team’s playoff focus had been switched on, James guided the Los Angeles Lakers to a 111-106 victory against the Houston Rockets. LeBron James ended the game with 29 points, 11 rebounds, and 6 assists.

At the beginning of the third quarter, with just seven minutes remaining, the Lakers were down 79-60. The Los Angeles Lakers currently have a record of 29-29 for the season, sitting 2.5 games behind the final playoff position in the Western Conference. James sat out 17 games this season due to a groin injury sustained during a game against the Golden State Warriors on Christmas Day.

“We have a fresh start ahead of us, and this marks the beginning of the second half of the season,” said LeBron to TNT.

Photo by Harry How/Getty Images

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