
Internet Is Going Off On Megan Rapinoe For Her Controversial Comments On God

Image Source: Romain Biard / Shutterstock

Megan Rapinoe, a renowned soccer player, experienced a disappointing end to her career when she sustained an Achilles tendon injury during a 2-1 loss to NJ/NY Gotham FC.

The injury not only affected Rapinoe but also left the record attendance for an NWSL final in stunned silence.

After the game, Rapinoe made a remark in jest, suggesting that her injury is evidence that there is no God.

“I thought about it a little bit. I mean, I’m not a religious person or anything, and if there was a God, like, this is proof that there isn’t,” she said at the press conference. “This is f—-ed up.”

The non-contact injury occurred just three minutes into what was supposed to be the final game of her remarkable athletic career.

While the injury was significant, it was her remarks that left a negative impression on many supporters and those who already had negative opinions of her.

Rapinoe, a two-time World Cup champion and Olympic gold medalist, has been an advocate for equal pay for women in soccer and for transgender athletes in women’s sports.

Her career ended in controversy, with previous comments about welcoming transgender athletes and kneeling during the National Anthem receiving significant criticism on social media.

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