
Social Media Is Trolling About Soccer Star Alex Morgan’s Clever Halloween Costume Idea

Image Source: Jose Breton- Pics Action / Shutterstock

Alex Morgan, the soccer star, brought her A-game to Halloween this year with a classic yet impressive costume.

Many athletes got into the Halloween spirit, and Morgan was no exception. She got her family involved in the fun.

Together with a few others, they reenacted the popular “Spiderman pointing meme” that has been making its rounds on social media.

“Had to let Ghost Spider have her moment,” Morgan tweeted.

Morgan, a two-time World Cup champion and star of San Diego Wave FC, was part of the USWNT that was eliminated from the Women’s World Cup in Melbourne. Old rivals Sweden got the better of them in a penalty shoot-out.

For the first time in the tournament’s nine editions, the four-time world champions failed to make it to the semi-finals.

With the Olympics in Paris just nine months away, the U.S. women’s national team needs to bounce back, and Morgan can play a crucial role in that.

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