
Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Have Exciting Plans For Upcoming Coachella Music Festival

Image Source: Brian Friedman / Shutterstock

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have exciting plans lined up for a joint trip to the upcoming Coachella Music Festival, causing a wave of anticipation among their fans.

Following a romantic getaway in the Bahamas, the duo, with Kelce fresh from his Super Bowl win and Swift taking a break from her tour, will be attending the festival where they aim to catch Lana Del Rey’s performance.

As reported by Page Six, the high-profile couple will be renting a house for one of the festival weekends to enjoy the music, including sets from Lana Del Rey and Bleachers, taking place from April 12 to 14 and April 19 to 21.

Despite their busy schedules, Swift and Kelce always find time to be together, showcasing their commitment to each other by attending such events.

Previously, the duo enjoyed a trip to the Bahamas, where Kelce flaunted his swimming trunks, and Swift rocked a two-piece outfit.

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s Relationship Journey Since September 2023

Their relationship has been growing stronger since September 2023 when Swift made her first appearance at Arrowhead Stadium to support Kelce during a game against the Chicago Bears. Since then, she has been a regular at his games, including all the playoffs and the Super Bowl victory over the San Francisco 49ers.

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