
English Premier League Game Paused As Player Faces Heart Issue

Image Source: rarrarorro @ShutterStock

A game in the English Premier League between Bournemouth and Luton Town was suspended after Luton captain Tom Lockyer collapsed on the pitch during the second half.

Lockyer, a defender, suffered a cardiac arrest and was swiftly taken to the hospital, causing distress to players and fans.

Thankfully, Luton Town has confirmed that Lockyer is in stable condition.

“Our medical staff have confirmed that the Hatters captain suffered cardiac arrest on the pitch, but was responsive by the time he was taken off on the stretcher,” the club informed fans in a statement. “He received further treatment inside the stadium, for which we once again thank the medical teams from both sides.

“Tom was transferred to hospital, where we can reassure supporters that he is stable and currently undergoing further tests with his family at his bedside.”

The match was tied 1-1 in the 59th minute when Lockyer collapsed without any contact from other players. Luton manager Rob Edwards acted swiftly by immediately calling for medical assistance.

After six minutes, the players left the pitch as it was understandably impossible to continue, resulting in the game being abandoned.

Lockyer, 29, had previously collapsed during Luton’s playoff final victory against Coventry City on May 27. He spent five days in the hospital and underwent surgery to correct an atrial fibrillation.

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