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Tiger Woods Reflects on Historic Duel and Stunning Defeat

Norman duel, shocking defeat still alive in the minds of Tiger Wood
Image Source: ESPN

In a surprising turn of events, Tiger Woods, known for his remarkable comeback last year, is still haunted by the memorable defeat at the 1998 Presidents Cup in the minds of many.During a recent promotional tour in Australia for the upcoming 2019 Presidents Cup in Melbourne, Woods opened up about his unforgettable loss to the Internationals two decades ago.

The year was 1998, and Woods, riding high on his newfound status as the world’s number one golfer, faced off against the legendary Australian Greg Norman in a gripping singles match on the final day, captivating the enthusiastic pro-International crowd. This marked a pivotal moment for the U.S. team as their opponents clinched victory in the event for the first and only time.

Recalling the intense battle with Norman at a press conference in Melbourne’s Southbank boulevard, Woods reminisced, “I was eager to compete against him. Jack [Nicklaus] and Peter [Thomson] had discussed the pairings that would make for an exciting tournament. We were trailing badly, and I believed that this match-up was crucial for me to secure a point for our U.S. team.”

As he delved into the events of the tournament, Woods noted, “When we arrived here…it was late in December, not like today’s schedule. The team had taken a significant break, and truth be told, we were ill-prepared to compete, resulting in a resounding loss. The International team was well-prepared, played exceptionally, and outperformed us.”

The lack of readiness has been identified as a critical error, prompting Woods to strive for better preparation this time around. With the upcoming 2019 calendar drawing to a close, Woods is set on avoiding a repeat of past mistakes, particularly for those participating in his charity event, the Hero World Challenge in the Bahamas, benefiting the TGR Foundation.

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