Former USC Standout Reggie Bush Wins Back Heisman Trophy

Image Source: Reggie Bush @ Instagram

Former USC standout Reggie Bush is reclaiming his Heisman trophy, thanks to the evolving landscape of college sports.

Bush initially received the award in 2005 during his time as a running back for the Trojans. However, it was revoked following a prolonged investigation into alleged improper benefits. Fast forward to 2024, where all forms of compensation for college athletes are now deemed acceptable, following the NIL regulations.

“We are delighted to reinstate Reggie Bush back into the Heisman family, acknowledging his remarkable achievements during his college career,” said Michael Comerford, president of The Heisman Trophy Trust, in a statement to ESPN. “Taking into account the significant changes in collegiate sports in recent years, we believe the timing is right to return the trophy to Reggie. We are excited to have him back.”

Expressing his joy at reclaiming the trophy, Bush stated that this time around, he intends to hold on to it for good.

“I am excited to rejoin my fellow Heisman winners and contribute to the rich history of the Heisman Trophy. It is a great honor to return to the Heisman family,” Bush conveyed in a message to ESPN. “I am eager to collaborate with the Heisman Trust to promote the values and objectives of the organization.”

Bush was a pivotal player at USC from 2003 to 2005 before being drafted as the No. 2 overall pick by the New Orleans Saints in the 2006 NFL Draft.

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