Former QB Boomer Esiason And Phil Simms Removed From CBS Sports

Image Source: lev radin / Shutterstock
Former NFL quarterbacks Boomer Esiason and Phil Simms have been let go from CBS Sports, ending their tenure on the studio show The NFL Today, as reported by the New York Post.

Matt Ryan and JJ Watt will now permanently take over their roles, joining James Brown, Nate Burleson, and Bill Cowher. Burleson is expected to be the key figure of the show.

“I am stepping away from The NFL Today on CBS,” Esiason stated on WFAN. “It was more their decision than mine. I felt the Super Bowl was a fitting end for me, especially how CBS handled it in Las Vegas. I’ve been with them for 22 years.”

Simms announced his departure from The NFL Today separately.

“Great 26-year run with CBS SPORTS. Even though that chapter is closed, I am looking forward to what lies ahead,” Simms shared.

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