New College Emerge As Frontrunners to Sign Arch Manning Should He Leave Texas

Image Source: Quinn Ewers @ Instagram

A new school has emerged as the frontrunner to recruit Arch Manning if he decides to leave Texas.

While the current Longhorns quarterback has stated that he has no intention of transferring, there is speculation about a possible move as he will have to wait another season before he can start for Texas due to Quinn Ewers’ return.

Despite riding the bench as the third option for the program last season, Manning is expected to be the backup to Ewers in 2024. However, there are reports suggesting he could potentially replace the former Carroll Senior High School star.

Manning’s family prefers that he continues at Texas to learn under Steve Sarkisian before taking over from Ewers in 2025. However, with several months remaining until the next season starts, some believe Manning could potentially change his mind.

If that happens, Ole Miss is favored to recruit him over previous top choice LSU. The odds are -150 for the Rebels and +200 for the Tigers.

It is highly likely that he will stay at his current school, as there has been no indication of his desire to transfer. However, one can never be certain, can they?

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