Fans Are Predicting About Where Arch Manning Will Be Playing Next Season

Image Source: Arch Manning @ Instagram

Fans have a strong belief about where Arch Manning will be playing next season.

The highly-rated quarterback has been on the bench throughout 2023 and didn’t get the chance to start even after Quinn Ewers got injured. There are now rumors circulating that his time in Texas may be coming to an end.

While his grandfather, Archie Manning, insists that the player is content with his decision to join the Longhorns and there’s no concrete evidence of an exit, speculation about his future continues to increase, and several schools have been named as potential transfer destinations.

The news of Ewers’ decision to forgo the 2024 NFL Draft and stay in Texas has only intensified the rumors, and now fans appear to have a strong sense of where they believe he will go next, or at least they overwhelmingly want him to transfer to a particular place.

The LSU Tigers are in need of a new quarterback as Jayden Daniel is set to go professional next year, and it has been predicted that Arch could be his replacement and be given the opportunity to start immediately.

It’s hard to imagine Arch staying at Texas for another year without playing, but Archie has pointed out that his uncle, Eli Manning, took a similar path and only became a starter in his third year of college. Both Archie and Eli attended Ole Miss, which suggests that LSU may be a bit of a stretch in terms of SEC teams. Nevertheless, one can never be certain.

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