Ex-Jacksonville Jaguars Staff Employee Faces Allegations of Stealing Millions in Wild Scheme

Image Source: University of College @ShutterStock

A former Jacksonville Jaguars employee is facing accusations of stealing over $22 million from the franchise between 2019 and 2023 by exploiting the organization’s virtual credit card program.

Amit Patel, who worked for the Jaguars from 2018 to 2023, allegedly used the stolen funds to purchase two vehicles, a condominium, a designer watch worth over $95,000, and chartered personal jets. He also used the money for investing in cryptocurrency and placing bets on online gambling sites.

Patel has been named in court documents.

“The Jaguars were not named in the federal filing – the organization was referred to as “Business A” – but the team confirmed it was the victim of Patel’s alleged crimes.”

“We can confirm that in February 2023, the team terminated the employment of the individual named in the filing,” the team said in a statement. “Over the past several months we have cooperated fully with the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida during their investigation and thank them for their efforts in this case. As was made clear in the charges, this individual was a former manager of financial planning and analysis who took advantage of his trusted position to covertly and intentionally commit significant fraudulent financial activity at the team’s expense for personal benefit. This individual had no access to confidential football strategy, personnel, or other football information. The team engaged experienced law and accounting firms to conduct a comprehensive independent review, which concluded that no other team employees were involved in or aware of his criminal activity.”

Patel was charged with wire fraud and illegal monetary transactions, and accused of stealing at least $22,221,454.40 from the Jaguars.

This is just another wave of issues that have hit the franchise in the past 48 hours.

Trevor Lawrence quickly connected with Christian Kirk against the Bengals on Monday night, but the Jaguars’ top wide receiver left the game after his first catch due to a groin injury and did not return.

Kirk will undergo core muscle surgery and is expected to miss 6-8 weeks. He has a chance to return if the team advances to the Super Bowl.

Later in that game, Jaguars quarterback Trevor Lawrence suffered a right high ankle sprain against the Bengals, but he avoided a serious injury.

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