Crush That Underscored

Gagiev Kantemir – Wrestling Is a Discipline

Martial arts is a tactful discipline that requires extensive training to master. For some, the craft is a lifestyle, as it can improve health and wellness and help with self-defense. Gagiev Kantemir, a professional freestyle wrestler for over twenty years, emphasizes the lessons that the martial art can teach the future generation.

A Life of Authority and Reputation

Since childhood, Kantemir has demonstrated his athletic abilities and achievements, leading to him winning championships for Russia, judging international competitions, and coaching young athletes.

Outside of his educational pursuits, Kantemir has devoted his life to training in freestyle wrestling and earning a reputation for himself and his nation. These are some of the tournaments he participated in:

  • Russian Junior Freestyle Wrestling Championship 1995 (2nd place)
  • Russian Junior Freestyle Wrestling Championship 1998 (3rd place)
  • International Freestyle Wrestling Tournament of Tsiolkovsky 1999 (1st place)
  • Russian National Freestyle Wrestling Tournament 2003 in honor of Soslan Andiev, the “Soviet monster” of the sport (2nd place)
  • International Freestyle Wrestling Tournament 2004 in memory of Ali Aliev in Dagestan (2nd place)
  • World Freestyle Wrestling Championship 2007 in Azerbaijan
  • International Freestyle Wrestling Tournament 2008 in honor of Smail Umakhanov in Dagestan (3rd place)
  • International Freestyle Wrestling Tournament 2009 in Kyiv (2nd place)

During his athletic career, Kantemir Gagiev was a member of the Russian National Freestyle Wrestling Team from 1998 to 2006, an organization that selected the most noteworthy athletes with extraordinary abilities. Because of his talent, he earned the official title Master of Sport of Russian in Freestyle Wrestling from the Russian State Committee of Physical Culture and Sports, the paramount government for Russian athletics. He also became the team’s most robust athlete from 2000 to 2006.

National and international competition hosts presented Kantemir with judging opportunities for several tournaments, including:

  • Junior RSOA championships
  • Freestyle Wrestling Tournament of Dzagorova and O. Nabieva
  • VII Republic Open Tournament in Freestyle Wrestling in memory of S. P. Berdiev

The latter competition’s host wrote the wrestler a letter of gratitude and honored him as a Category I judge, the most prestigious rank for a judge displaying exemplary honesty and accuracy.

Raising the Next Generation in Morals and Sportsmanship

Kantemir first experienced coaching as an assistant for the Russian National Junior Freestyle Wrestling Team in 2008. He soon obtained a FILA (International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles) coaching license and began personally training young athletes at Russia’s School of Olympic Reserves from 2012 to 2016.

As a first-class mentor, Kantemir trained students who competed in national and global championships and won. The President of the Wrestling Federation of Russia honored his ability to pass on his proper wrestling techniques to the next generation and share his extensive experience. With Gagiev’s steadfast achievements in freestyle wrestling, his trainees have improved their physical and mental health and risen to the competition’s top.

About the Author

Marcus Christenson is an education coordinator who evaluates academic institutes’ curriculums and develops solutions to improve workflow and prepare students for life outside school.

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