NFL Is Likely To Ban Controversial Play Before The Start Of Next Season

Image Source: Alena Veasey / Shutterstock

The NFL is reevaluating a defensive play believed to be responsible for several high-profile injuries in recent years.

According to Dianna Russini of The Athletic, the league is considering outlawing the hip-drop tackle after the 2023 season, following a season-ending injury to Ravens tight end Mark Andrews on Thursday night.

The TNF fixture also resulted in the sidelining of two Pro Bowlers, as Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow is also done for the season.

“This form of tackling is getting tons of attention across the league, and it may soon be banned,” Russini wrote. “The NFLPA is publically against outlawing it because it believes the play will be too tricky to officiate.”

“A league source told me the discussion of banning this tackle is already on ‘the table of contents of things to discuss in the offseason’ with the NFL competition committee. The last time it was discussed, the committee was split on making the change. We’ll see if it gets more support this time around.”

Ravens head coach John Harbaugh has also criticized the move in the wake of the injury to his star player.

“It was definitely a hip-drop tackle,” he said after the game. “It is being discussed. It’s a tough tackle. Was it even necessary in that situation?”

The conversation has extended to college football as Florida State’s Jordan Travis also suffered a gruesome injury from a hip-drop tackle against North Alabama on Saturday.

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