Tyreek Hill Surprises Chiefs Fan In Germany In Hilarious Disguise

Image Source: Gregory Reed / Shutterstock

The Miami Dolphins played the Chiefs in Germany for the NFL’s international series, and Tyreek Hill made the most of the trip.

Hill decided to go undercover to surprise fans in Germany, donning a comically bad disguise. Dressed in a wig, exaggerated fake facial hair, and sunglasses, he asked people if they recognized photos of popular athletes as part of his act.

One fan, wearing a Chiefs hat, recognized the photos and also identified Hill as the final athlete. Hill then revealed himself, shocking the fan and thanking him for his support in fantasy football.

Despite the comical disguise and the surprise, Hill and his teammates ended up losing the game against the Chiefs, despite a furious comeback. Hill leads the NFL with 1,076 receiving yards and eight receiving touchdowns through nine games.

The Dolphins have a bye week, and when they return, they will face the Raiders at home.

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