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Tennis Star, Eugenie Bouchard, Makes Waves on Social Media with Her Coachella Festival Outfit

Image Source: Andrew West/The News-Press / USA TODAY NETWORK / Imagn

Professional tennis player Eugenie Bouchard created a stir on social media with her vibrant appearance at the Coachella Festival.

The 28-year-old athlete attended the music festival in the company of her sister Beatrice, and the duo turned heads with their stunning outfits. Both sisters were seen rocking matching ensembles inspired by the Powerpuff Girls, with Eugenie donning a stylish pink and yellow crop top paired with matching trousers.

Her sister, Beatrice, sported a similar look in green attire.

The former Wimbledon finalist shared some snapshots from the event on her Instagram page.

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A post shared by Genie Bouchard (@geniebouchard)

The siblings were delivered six minutes apart.

Earlier in the year, the professional tennis player broke up with NFL quarterback Mason Rudolph after being together for two years.

During the previous season, Rudolph played two games, completing 60.3% of his passes for 277 yards, scoring one touchdown, one interception, and achieving a passer rating of 70.8.

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