ESPN Wants Sports To Be Fun!

Kids lose their excitement in sports so ESPN comes in to bring the spark of sports back into their lives.

image credit: Amanda Mills / Pixnio

Although ESPN is a professional football sponsor, they still focus on fun! 

Today’s young athletes are struggling to keep sports in their lives. They practice many long hours and put in full determination and dedication. While these are all admirable qualities, kids are left feeling “burnt out.” To many kids, sports are losing the “fun factor.” ESPN is here to rescue these kids from giving up on sports altogether and rejuvenates the energy that kids have lost.

The ESPN Sports Center hosted an event where a boy claimed to retire from sports after losing the bubbly excitement that most young athletes have. Kobe Bryant gave a speech afterwards to lift the hopes of these downtrodden children. Bryant is the official spokesperson of the “Project Play” Campaign.

A study conducted by Aspen Institute’s Project Play Initiative showed a decline in kids playing sports now compared to 2008. Their goal is to bring awareness to parents about the pressures young athletes face and to address the financial struggles athletic families cope with.

It’s sad to watch kids lose their tenacious energy for sports that was so common decades ago. Hopefully, ESPN’s campaign can get kids on their feet again.

If you aren’t up to date on ESPN’s latest initiatives, read this article that talks about their political protocol.

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