Artem Lobov is among the best MMA players even after his loss

Artem Lobov is among the best MMA players even after his loss

In the entire world, Artem Lobov is regarded as the hardest hitting featherweight champion, Lobov shared the insights of a little dealer a few years back when he appeared for the first time on The MMA Hour. This might be the case, but the fact is that each player that he has faced in the UFC league so far which also included Michael Johnson, whom Lovon tried punching on various occasions in Moncton, New Brunswick in Canada last week on Saturday. All the players were able to take the best shot of Lobov and bragged about it.

Five of those UFC players beat Lobov who is the legendary creature, chupacabra of UFC. According to the folklore, the chupacabra is a very fable creature which makes Lobov fable at 14-15-1 for keeping up with stealing the profile slots on cards right under everybody’s nose. People agree on the fact that Lobov is nocturnal and he feeds on GOATs, and he has repeatedly endangered himself in a small way for fighting public with a rare combination innocence with a virtue of which he is not able to see the truth and delusion.

His affiliation with the SBG team and Conor McGregor has got him many chances and due to which it is normal for everyone to see how hard he pushes himself through mediocrity on a merit-based system. When Lobov claims that he is going to defeat a fighter like Andre Fili, Johnson and Cub Swanson, he gets the idea that he is invincible and this encourages him to meet with the strong fighters face to face.

Well, UFC, on the other hand, makes the game extraordinarily easy. Last year, in April when Lobov reportedly increased his record to 13-12-1 after a couple of decision victories, UFC provided him with the central slot against Swanson in Nashville. The conclusion her is to meet Lobov’s straight face with a straight face as he is the toughest hitting featherweight MMA player in the world.

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