
Dillon Danis Raises Concerns Over Controversial Photo of Nina Agdal, Impacting Engagement with Logan Paul

Dillon Danis
Image Source: Dillon Danis @ Instagram

In preparation for their upcoming fight in late October, Bellator fighter Dillon Danis continues to target Logan Paul with his relentless harassment.

Over the past two weeks, Danis has been sharing photos of Paul’s fiancée, Nina Agdal, with her ex-boyfriends. One particular video posted on X last Saturday showed the Danish model revealing that she had hooked up with someone at a football stadium, resulting in a temporary ban from the platform.

Building on these actions, Danis now proclaims that he possesses a photo that could potentially cancel the fight, terminate Paul’s engagement with Nina, and even lead to legal consequences if made public.

Andrew Tate, another individual involved in the situation, independently confirms that the MMA star indeed possesses a compromising photo of Paul’s girlfriend.

“I was trying very hard to not get involved in this, and I’m still staying out of it, but I opened my Twitter inbox and received a message from Dillon—and he’s not lying,” Tate responded to Danis’s tweet.

Logan Paul has chosen not to engage with Danis’s provocations, opting not to respond to the ongoing antics. However, the two fighters did attend a press conference in London last week, generating buzz for their upcoming match on October 22.

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