
LA Police Authorize Search Warrant for Tiger Woods’s Car

Woods received surgery for multiple leg injuries last week.

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Following a severe car accident involving golf icon Tiger Woods, the Los Angeles police department has issued a search warrant to examine the vehicle involved.

The authorities have classified the incident as an “accident” after Woods underwent surgery for his leg injuries in the hospital. At present, there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. Officials mentioned that inspecting the car’s black box to assess speed and braking data is standard protocol.

Deputy John Shloegl stated to USA Today Sports, “We’re trying to establish if a crime occurred. When there’s a traffic collision, we must reconstruct it: analyze for any reckless driving, distracted driving, or similar factors. We ascertain if a crime transpired. If not, the case will be closed as a routine traffic accident.”

Woods has previously faced accusations of reckless driving. In 2017, he was arrested for suspected DUI and later admitted guilt, citing medication prescribed to him during that time. However, Shloegl has indicated that there is insufficient reason to conduct a blood test on Woods this time, given his alertness at the scene of the accident.

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