Julian Edelman Trade Rumor Downplayed by Prominent Patriots Insider

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Recently, with the departure of Tom Brady and other seasoned Patriots players to different teams, speculation has arisen about Julian Edelman possibly saying goodbye to the franchise.

Bill Simmons, during an appearance on ‘The Herd’ with Colin Cowherd, sparked rumors about the veteran wide receiver potentially being traded to the Detroit Lions.

Simmons inquired, “Even Edelman, it seems like he might be headed to Detroit, is that official?” To which Cowherd replied, “it’s talked about.”

In response to these rumors, Patriots insider Tom E. Curran quickly dismissed the trade speculation after a league source assured him there was “not a chance in hell” of Edelman being traded.

The Detroit Lions have become a landing spot for former Patriots players, given head coach Matt Patricia’s track record of signing ex-Patriots. In the recent past, Patricia has acquired Jamie Collins, Danny Shelton, and Duron Harmon through various means.

Edelman comes with a $9.6 million cap hit for the Patriots in 2020, making any potential trade scenario even more complex.

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