Tom Brady Fires Back At Bill Belichick During A Netflix Event

Image Source: Steve Jacobson @ShutterStock

At a Netflix roast event for Tom Brady, the jokes ranged from Gisele Bundchen to deflate-gate. However, one of the standout moments was when Brady took a playful jab at his former coach, Bill Belichick.

Brady humorously mentioned a ring he treasures, not a championship ring but a reference to a security camera catching Belichick leaving a house early in the morning. He jokingly commended Belichick, saying, “You still got it! Respect, baby.”

Belichick’s reaction was a smile, acknowledging the playful banter from Brady on stage.

Brady was referring to a leaked Ring camera video from the previous year showing Belichick leaving a residence shirtless. There were rumors linking the video to Belichick’s breakup with Linda Holliday and his subsequent job loss in the coaching world.

Not just Brady, but other former Patriots like Rob Gronkowski and Julian Edelman also took digs at Belichick during the event, creating a light-hearted atmosphere.

Brady and Belichick Reunion in 2021

After a game between the Buccaneers and the Patriots in 2021, Brady and Belichick shared a heartfelt moment off-camera in the Tampa Bay locker room, as reported by CBS News.

There were reports of Belichick spending a significant amount of time in the Buccaneers’ locker room with Brady, indicating a positive interaction between the two.

Overall, the roast event provided a platform for former Patriots to share lighthearted moments and possibly mend old wounds in a fun and friendly environment.

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