
Controversial NFL Stadium Awarded World Cup Final In Shocking Announcement

Image Source: Alena Veasey / Shutterstock

Many NFL stadiums were considered for hosting the 2026 FIFA World Cup Final, but only one emerged as the winner.

MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey has been chosen to host the final in two years. The 2026 tournament will be the biggest World Cup in history, with 104 matches played by 48 teams across three host countries: The United States, Mexico, and Canada.

Estadio Azteca will host the opening game of the 2026 World Cup, and Toronto’s BMO Field will host the first game in Canada.

AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas has been selected to host the most matches in the tournament, with a total of nine, including a semifinal. The Group Stage matches at Arlington will take place on June 14, June 17, June 22, June 25, and June 27.

Additionally, AT&T Stadium will host two Round of 16 matches and a quarterfinal.

The third-place playoff will take place at Miami’s Hard Rock Stadium.

MetLife Stadium has been the venue for major sporting events, such as the 2014 Super Bowl, WrestleMania in 2013, and numerous international soccer matches. However, it has also faced criticism for its poor field conditions and subpar amenities in recent years, raising questions about its suitability to host the World Cup Final.

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