Tennessee Titans Superstar RB Derrick Henry Announces His Plans For 2024 NFL Season

Image Source: Derrick Henry @ Instagram

For the first time in his career, Tennessee Titans running back Derrick Henry is eligible to enter the free agent market.

The 30-year-old is likely to leave the Music City when the free agent market opens, having already said goodbye to the Titans fans after the club’s regular season finale against the Jacksonville Jaguars.

In an interview on “Bussin’ With The Boys”, Henry stated that he intends to keep playing in 2024 and is aiming for a Super Bowl championship.

“I ain’t done playing, I ain’t close to done playing. I still feel I can run for another 2,000, but that’s for the future to tell…I want to be somewhere that gives me the best shot of winning a Super Bowl.”

According to ML Football, there is “mutual interest” between King Henry and the Dallas Cowboys. The Cowboys’ lead rusher of the last two seasons, Tony Pollard, is also eligible to enter free agency in March.

Very few running backs have remained productive after turning 30. However, Henry, who turned 30 on January 4, showed no signs of slowing down this season as he rushed for 1,167 yards and 12 touchdowns.

Henry was one of only 12 players to rush for over 1,000 yards this season, and only Christian McCaffrey of the San Francisco 49ers (1,459) had more than the 2020 Offensive Player of the Year.

The Cowboys seem like a logical destination for Henry. The Philadelphia Eagles might also be interested in a new running back with D’Andre Swift becoming a pending free agent. Other competitive teams such as the Cincinnati Bengals, Houston Texans, Baltimore Ravens, Kansas City Chiefs, and Green Bay Packers could benefit from having Henry in their backfield.

Henry’s 9,502 career rushing yards and 90 rushing touchdowns are the most among all active NFL running backs.

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