Los Angeles Dodgers Fans Engage in Brawls After Losing NLDS Game 2

Image Source: Jayne Kamin-Oncea-USA TODAY Sports / Shutterstock

Los Angeles Dodgers fans were not pleased with their team’s performance. After a disappointing loss in Game 2 of the NLDS against the Diamondbacks, frustration boiled over and fights broke out among fans.

Despite winning 100 games during the regular season, the Dodgers now face the possibility of being swept by the Diamondbacks, who finished 16 games behind them in the standings.

The anger and tension were palpable, with reports of fights erupting in the stadium restroom and parking lot. Even clashes with law enforcement occurred as fans vented their frustration.

For Dodgers fans, this series has been a source of tremendous frustration and disappointment. It remains to be seen whether the team can turn things around in Game 3, which will be played in Phoenix at Chase Field, known for its high altitude that favors offensive production.

Given the volatile situation, it might be wise for Dodgers fans to avoid attending Game 3 to prevent any further violent incidents if the team’s postseason hopes are extinguished.

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