Zion Williamson Announces Major Partnership Amid Adult Star Drama On Social Media

New Orleans Pelicans power forward Zion Williamson on the bench during the first quarter against the Sacramento Kings at Golden 1 Center. Mandatory Credit: Kelley L Cox-USA TODAY Sports

Zion Williamson needed some good news surrounding his name and he finally got it this week.

The New Orleans Pelicans star started his week off by announcing he was having a child, but then social media found out he was having a kid by a porn star.

That led another porn star, Moriah Mills, to air out their dirty laundry in a list of tweets and messages.

On Friday, he got good news when the two-time all-star partnered with schools in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana for the Summer Bridge program.

The program “will provide students with additional opportunities for accelerated learning and growth during the summer,” according to the New Orleans Pelicans.

Williamson could be seen with a huge smile on his face in the photo, but he has to be slowly dying inside from so many women coming after him.

Adult actress Moriah Mills continues to share screenshots where the former Duke Blue Devil claims he did not have a girlfriend and wanted to move Mills to New Orleans.

She also wrote: “Better pray I’m not pregnant too because I’m definitely late @Zionwilliamson.” She also made allusions to the two having unprotected sex throughout her tirade, so time will tell if Mills is actually pregnant or just trying to scare him.

After missing the whole 2021-2022 season due to a foot ailment, Zion played 29 games for the New Orleans Pelicans this season, the second-most in his career. This season, he averaged a fantastic 26 points, seven rebounds, four assists, and one steal per game.

Luckily for him, the offseason will provide him cover until next season begins.

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