
Ryan Garcia Reveals the “Mole” in His Camp for the Gervonta Davis Fight As His Sparring Partner Apologizes (With Videos and Tweets)

Image: © Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports

Following his loss to Gervonta Davis on Saturday, Ryan Garcia claimed that there was a mole in his team who leaked information regarding a body injury to Davis.

It appears that Garcia has found the mole, as his sparring partner, Erdenebat Tsendbaatar, posted an apology video on social media for hurting Garcia during training. While Tsendbaatar did not admit to being the one who leaked the injury to Davis’ team, fans have speculated that he may have played a role. Social media has also suggested that it will be challenging for Tsendbaatar to get another job as a sparring partner.

Davis seemed to be aware of Garcia’s body injury two weeks before the fight took place. Despite Garcia claiming that this was no excuse for losing, he did raise the issue. A potential rematch between Garcia and Davis could take place in the future, and Garcia will surely want to level the playing field.

Check out the videos and tweets below:

Despite the existence of a mole, this does not excuse Garcia’s loss to Davis.

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