Veteran UFC Fighter Felice Herrig Finds Financial Success by Selling Used Socks on OnlyFans

Image Source: Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports / Imagn

Felice Herrig faced financial challenges after recovering from two knee surgeries that kept her out of the fighting scene for nearly two years. As a fighter in the UFC, where income is earned solely through fights, Herrig was aware of the financial impact her absence would have on her earnings. During this time off, Herrig decided to explore alternative ways to supplement her income.

She launched her own OnlyFans page, a move that proved lucrative and changed her financial situation significantly. Recently, Herrig discussed with TMZ how foot fetishes among her fans have allowed her to gain financial independence, freeing her from relying solely on fights for income.

Transitioning from MMA to Bare Knuckle FC, Herrig expressed that the shift aligns more with her passion for fighting, as boxing has always been her true love. This switch has given her the freedom to pursue what she enjoys without the financial constraints she faced in her previous fighting career.

Herrig’s success story mirrors that of other fighters like Bec Rawlings, who also found financial stability through OnlyFans during challenging times, such as the pandemic-induced restrictions. Herrig emphasized the hard work she put into building her brand and image, leading to substantial earnings on OnlyFans, which surpassed what she made as a professional fighter. This financial security has alleviated the stress of relying solely on fight purses for income, allowing her to prioritize her recovery and well-being without the pressure to return to fighting out of desperation.

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