Fans React Strongly on Social Media After Joe Rogan Is Removed From UFC 271 Broadcast

Image Source: Gary A. Vasquez-USA TODAY Sports / Imagn

Many UFC fans are expressing significant frustration this week because of recent events.

The cause of this discontent? Joe Rogan will not be part of the UFC 271 broadcast due to swirling controversies surrounding the popular podcaster and MMA commentator. Former UFC middleweight champion and longstanding commentator Michael Bisping will fill in for Rogan during this event.

Rogan has faced criticism in the past weeks due to content on his widely popular podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience. Several guests featured on his show shared information about the COVID-19 pandemic considered by many health professionals as “misinformation.” Furthermore, a compilation video surfaced highlighting Rogan’s use of the n-word on his program numerous times.

In a statement released on Friday, the UFC informed MMA Fighting that Rogan was unavailable for UFC 271 due to a “scheduling conflict” but is set to provide commentary for UFC 272.

The announcement was met with skepticism by social media users who voiced their opinions on Twitter:

The UFC 271 event will showcase Adesanya defending his title in a rematch against former champion Robert Whittaker at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas.

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