Updates of college football recruit

Updates of college football recruit
Image Source: CBS Sports

# Updates of college football recruit

Are you a fan of college football Saturdays but confused about official and unofficial visits? Do you wonder why recruits often say “respect my decision” and “No interviews”? Let’s break it down. This guide will help newcomers understand the language of recruitment on social media.

If you follow recruiting on Twitter, you’ll see a lot of excitement and thankfulness. Recruits often announce receiving scholarship offers using a template-like tweet format. They usually start with a thank you, mention the school, add relevant hashtags, and post pictures of the team or logo.

Many recruits use the term “blessed,” with variations like “extremely blessed” or “beyond blessed.” Some hashtags like #AGTG (all glory to God) show the player’s faith. One standout example is Anthony Hines III, who received over 90 offers without tweeting much. He got his first offer in 2013 in eighth grade, continued to receive offers, and committed to Texas A&M in 2016 during his senior year.

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