Pacers Lodge 78 Complaints to NBA Against Knicks + Criticize Murray’s Behavior | Get Up

On Get Up, Jay Williams, Andraya Carter, Brian Windhorst and Chiney Ogwumike join Mike Greenberg to discuss the controversial calls that came after the New York Knicks defeated the Indiana Pacers 130-121 in Game 2 of the Conference Semifinals as Rick Carlisle was ejected in the final minutes of the game. The Indiana Pacers later submitted 78 total missed calls from Game 1 and Game 2 to the NBA. Then, the panel reacts to Jamal Murray’s comments after his actions in Game 2 vs. the Timberwolves.

0:00 Rick Carlisle ejected
2:30 Are the Pacers getting a fair shot?
4:30 Jamal Murray takes “full responsibility” for Game 2 actions
8:00 The Denver Nuggets character
10:00 Greeny goes off on the Nuggets!

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