Rajon Rondo, Former NBA Point Guard, Arrested On Multiple Charges

Image Source: Rajon Rondo @ Instagram

Rajon Rondo, a former NBA point guard, was arrested over the weekend.

He was arrested on Sunday for suspected unlawful possession of a firearm, as well as possession of drug paraphernalia and marijuana, all of which are misdemeanors.

Rondo was pulled over for a traffic violation in Jackson County, Ind., and following the detection of marijuana by a Indiana State Police officer, his vehicle was searched. The search resulted in the discovery of marijuana and a gun.

According to the report, Rondo was not permitted to possess the firearm due to emergency protective orders that had been taken out against him following an incident in 2022 where he allegedly threatened a woman with a gun at her home in Kentucky. The order was subsequently dismissed after an undisclosed agreement was reached.

Rondo posted bond immediately after his arrest. The date of his next court appearance is currently unknown.

Rondo had a 16-season career in the NBA and most recently played 21 games with the Cleveland Cavaliers during the 2021-22 season. He is best known for his time with the Boston Celtics, where he won a championship in his second season. Rondo also played for eight other teams and secured his second title with the Los Angeles Lakers in 2020.

Throughout his career, he averaged 9.8 points and 7.9 assists per game.

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