
The Challenges Faced by Sergey Kovalev

The bullies of Sergey Kovalev
Image Source: New York Post

After watching a former teammate win a match at Nassau Coliseum, Andre Ward went to the hotel late at night on August 4th. Ward felt a mix of emotions as he received phone calls from friends. Sergey Kovalev’s defeat to Eleider Alvarez in the seventh round did not bring any joy to anyone. Ward carried deep anger towards Kovalev and wanted to hurt him as much as possible.

However, Kovalev ended up evoking pity in Ward. As Kovalev contemplated retirement, feelings of guilt arose within him. He expressed concern for Kovalev and admitted to feeling sorry for him. Ward also acknowledged his own part in the situation, recognizing his own responsibility to some extent.

At 36 years old, Kovalev was once one of the most dominant and feared fighters of his time. Despite his initial struggles with a 2-3 record, Kovalev faced defeats and was known for his issues with excessive drinking. His unpredictable behavior included damaging his own car and seeking solace in a religious retreat. He also changed trainers multiple times, adding to the erratic nature of his career. It is challenging to determine whether Kovalev was a bully who instilled fear in others or if he could overcome his past and become a success story by transcending humiliation.

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