Amani Toomer Criticizes Caleb Williams Over Locker Room Incident

Image Source: Ringo Chiu / Shutterstock

Amani Toomer, a former wide receiver for the New York Giants, openly shared his thoughts when reacting to the recent incident involving rookie superstar Caleb Williams requesting his Bears’ teammates to keep the locker room clean.

During an appearance on 670 The Score, Bears player Kevin Byard recounted Williams’ message to the team about the importance of cleanliness in shared spaces.

According to Byard, Williams urged his teammates to be considerate of the custodians by picking up after themselves to lighten the workload.

Toomer, a former NFL player with 13 years of experience, was critical of Williams’ approach to leadership by instructing seasoned players to tidy up the area.

During an appearance on “The Carton Show,” Toomer expressed skepticism about Williams’ ability to assert authority in the team.

He remarked, “He’s Russell Wilson 2.0. This is not gonna go over well. Some rookie’s gonna come in who hasn’t played one snap, talking, wearing the fingernail polish, now he’s gonna come in here and tell me, who has been here, been through the struggle, that I need to clean up?”

The attention on 22-year-old USC graduate Williams is substantial, and he will likely face ongoing scrutiny regardless of his actions or statements. Williams aims to prove himself on the field and contribute to the team’s success, particularly for a franchise that has not had a winning season since 2018.

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