Former Alabama Football Player Terrance Howard Dies After Tragic Car Accident

Image Source: Celebrity Archive @ YouTube

A former Alabama football player named Terrance Howard passed away due to injuries sustained from a car accident in North Carolina, as confirmed by the school. Howard was hit by a car while moving to North Carolina after transferring from Alabama to North Carolina Central.

According to, Howard, a walk-on member of the Crimson Tide team in 2023 from Texas, transferred to North Carolina Central during the offseason. The accident happened while he was moving his things from Alabama to North Carolina, as reported by his mother on Houston’s KHOU-11 TV.

While at Alabama, Howard didn’t play in any games as a defensive back for the Crimson Tide but traveled with the team as a walk-on.

Alabama coach Kalen DeBoer addressed Howard’s passing in a press conference on Sunday.

DeBoer expressed, “Before addressing the team, I first want to convey my thoughts and prayers. Terrance Howard, who was with us and later transferred to North Carolina Central, has passed away. Some of his close friends and teammates are here, and our thoughts are with them. Sending prayers and condolences to his family.”

The unfortunate accident happened near Salisbury, North Carolina.

Apparently, Howard was in a minor traffic incident near Salisbury, N.C., and after getting out of his car to check on the other driver, he was struck by a third vehicle, critically injuring him, according to KPRC TV in Houston. He was hospitalized with critical injuries in Charlotte and sadly passed away. Due to a lack of identification at the scene, it took several days to notify his family.

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