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Understanding How to Capture a Girl’s Heart (It’s Not What You Expect)

Image Source: Ghanasoccernet.com

Understanding How to Capture a Girl’s Heart (It’s Not What You Expect)

Unlock Her Legs: How to Finally Nail that Hard-to-Get Girl

waiting-by-the-phoneEvery day I receive emails like this one:

“There is this girl Iā€™m talking to. I really want her to be my girlfriend. What can I say to her?”

My response is: Nothing you say will magically make her fall in love with you.

In fact, trying to express your feelings to a girl, especially early on, can often backfire.

Here’s a common mistake many guys make…

They believe that once they develop feelings for a girl, they must confess these feelings to her, thinking that by doing so, she will want to be their girlfriend.

That’s a misconception.

Love is a psychological process.

Both women and men fall in love due to a psychological process that happens in their own minds.

Women don’t typically fall in love while they are physically with you…

Instead, they fall in love when they are apart from you, thinking about you…

And the more you stay on her mind, the more she’ll convince herself that she’s in love with you.

In “Seduction Weapons” in The Scrambler, I introduce 12 seduction techniques…

These 12 tactics are designed to keep her thoughts fixated on YOU even when you’re not around.

12 Seduction Techniques

The first and simplest of these tactics is ambiguity…

Women are drawn to drama (just look at the numerous Housewives reality TV shows).

Sad woman waiting by phone in bedIf you want to keep her intrigued, provide her with the drama she craves.

Ambiguity is an effective approach. Send her mixed signals. Show her different facets of your personality…

At times, make her feel thrilled by you…

Other times, make her sense you might be losing interest and she’s becoming uninteresting to you…

Does it sound harsh?

Recall the girls you fell in love with… Chances are, they made you feel this way. Chances are, they sent mixed signals.

Am I right?

I didn’t create the rules, but I play to win.

There are 11 more seduction tactics in Unlock Her Legs (some much more subtle than this).

Remember, “attention” is valuable. We have limited attention to give. Whoever captures the most of her attention emerges victorious.

It’s all detailed on the next page…


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