USC Quarterback Miller Moss Under Investigation Again Amid Video Evidence Of Roommate Theft Went Viral

Image Source: Miller Moss @ Instagram

After delivering a game-winning show, where he led USC to victory over No. 13 LSU 27-20, junior quarterback Miller Moss is back in the spotlight following revelations of a past investigation that occurred two years ago regarding misconduct in a disagreement with a dormmate from his freshman year.

As reported by a source to the LA Times, the former roommate in question was Mo Hasan, a former quarterback, and the situation concerning Moss was addressed through the University of Southern California’s student conduct resolution process over two years prior.

While the university is restricted from disclosing details due to legal constraints, in the spring of 2022, officials learned of Moss’ involvement, as he was reportedly seen going through his roommate’s possessions and taking his items.

According to a video obtained by TMZ Sports, captured from what appears to be hidden camera footage taken between April 22 and May 3, 2022, showed Moss stealing from his roommate’s bedroom on several occasions.

In response to the resurfacing of this information, Moss issued a statement.

“Two and a half years ago, the University conducted an investigation concerning a personal disagreement with my roommate. I fully cooperated and accepted responsibility for my actions, and the issue was resolved.”

He added, “I regret my actions and have learned from this experience, focusing now on the upcoming season.”

With the recent selection of former USC quarterback Caleb Williams as the No. 1 overall pick in the 2024 NFL Draft, Moss has now been given the opportunity to make his mark.

This marks a pivotal turn for the 22-year-old, who spent two seasons awaiting his chances behind Williams. He seized the opportunity by passing for 378 yards and one touchdown during the recent match against LSU.

This accomplishment follows another remarkable performance, having previously set a Holiday Bowl record with six touchdown passes in a 42-28 victory against Louisville at the end of last season.

Regarding any potential disciplinary measures against Moss, the university stated the following.

“Once a student has been found responsible and meets all discipline terms, the matter is considered resolved. In this instance, it was handled and settled over two and a half years ago.”

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