Jarren Duran Suspended For Using Homophobic Language Towards Fan

Image Source: Jarren Duran @ Instagram

In a game against the Houston Astros on Sunday, Jarren Duran, an outfielder for the Boston Red Sox, was overheard on a hot mic using inappropriate language towards a fan while he was at bat. Duran, who was the MVP of the MLB All-Star game in July, struck out three times during the game and received unsolicited advice from a fan which led to the incident.

The interaction, captured on live broadcast, involved the fan yelling, “Tennis racket, tennis racket, you need a tennis racket,” to which Duran responded with a derogatory slur, attracting widespread attention on social media.

Following the incident, Duran issued an apology, acknowledging the harm caused and expressing regret for his actions. As a consequence, the Red Sox organization decided to suspend Duran for two games in response to the controversy.

Despite this negative episode, Duran’s performance on the field this season has been noteworthy, with impressive stats including a .291 batting average, 14 home runs, 58 RBIs, 80 runs, and 29 stolen bases for the year.

Related: Former Cincinatti Reds Announcer Thom Brennaman Is Set To Make Broadcasting Comeback Four Years After Homophobic Slur Incident

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