MLB To Host Game At Bristol Motor Speedway

Image Source: Robert Way / Shutterstock

Get ready, baseball fans! The MLB is shaking things up with a game at Bristol Motor Speedway.

Yes, you read that correctly.

The Cincinnati Reds will face off against the Atlanta Braves at this unconventional venue next season.

MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred expressed his enthusiasm about this unique event, highlighting the talent of the teams and the vibrant atmosphere expected at the Speedway.

The Speedway, known for hosting racing events, accommodates over 150,000 fans.

According to a report from CBS Sports, the Reds will be the home team for this special occasion. Prior to the Speedway game, they will also play two games in Cincinnati.

Bristol Motor Speedway, situated near the Tennessee/Virginia border, will be transformed to host the baseball game, with the field being set up across the track and infield.

MLB shared a preview image of how the unique setup will look.

Prepare yourselves for a one-of-a-kind experience in 2025 as MLB takes the game to the racetrack.

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