Jordan Montgomery Faces Harsh Criticism

Image Source: Jordan Montgomery @ Instagram

During the recent confrontation against the San Francisco Giants, pitcher Jordan Montgomery of the Arizona Diamondbacks surrendered six runs in just two innings, leading to a chorus of jeers from the audience as he retreated from the pitcher’s mound at 31.

This disappointing performance follows an even more troubling game against the New York Mets on May 31, where Montgomery was hit for eight runs across 10 hits in a narrow 10-9 defeat.

Montgomery’s season thus far is challenging, with a record of three wins to four losses and a high ERA of 6.41, alongside a WHIP of 1.71.

Reflecting on the latest game, Montgomery openly acknowledged his role in halting the Diamondbacks’ streak of four consecutive victories.

“Every day you show up feeling lousy,” Montgomery admitted after the game. “With the team on a winning streak, I step in and it seems we’re doomed to fall. I have to strive for improvement.”

Perhaps surprisingly, both of the Diamondbacks’ recent losses have occurred during Montgomery’s start-ups, calling into question whether he is delivering the performance warranted by his hefty $25 million one-year contract.

Some speculate that the pitcher’s slow start may be attributed to biding his time during spring training with the aim of securing a better contract deal.

However, there’s still optimism for Montgomery’s turnaround, drawing from last year’s impressive season with the Texas Rangers where he achieved a personal best ERA of 2.79 and WHIP of 1.09.

As things stand, the Diamondbacks hold a 29-33 record and sit fourth in the NL West, trailing the Los Angeles Dodgers by 8.5 games.

In other updates: Mets’ Relief Pitcher Jorge Lopez Cut from Team Following Ejection and Outburst with His Glove into the Stands

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