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Green Bay Packers remove Edgar Bennett from offensive coordinator position

Green Bay Packers remove Edgar Bennett from offensive coordinator position

The Green Bay Packers will now have two new coordinators in the next season to bring about a change in the team’s coaching staff. As per sources, a decision to remove assistant coach Edgar Bennett from the offensive coordinator position he held since team coach Mike McCarthy took the year 2015. On Tuesday itself, one of the league sources had said that McCarthy expressed his intention to change offensive coordinators.

The news of firing Bennett came out shortly before the Green Bay Packers officially announced about removing the defensive coordinator Dom Capers, defensive line coach Mike Trgovac and assistant linebackers coach Scott McCurley. These were the moves that happened earlier this week as a wake of the team’s season-ending record 35-11 loss on Sunday at Detroit.

Additionally, the sources said that the team does not have a plan to bring back quarterbacks coach Alex Van Pelt, whose contract had expired. It is said that McCarthy could have tried getting back Van Pelt if he wanted to do. As per sources, Van Pelt did not want to leave the team. However, it is not known whether Bennett is open to being reassigned back to the staff.

The team’s president Mark Murphy said on Tuesday that McCarthy has the authority right now of being at the coordinator position, without waiting for a new GM to be appointed. Notably, Murphy is in search of a replacement for a general manager after removing Ted Thompson from the post and moving him into an advisory role with the team.

The candidates who may be considered to take over Bennett’s position as the offensive coordinator include offensive line coach James Campen, ex-New York Giants coach Ben McAdoo and quarterbacks coach from 2012-13 and ex-Miami Dolphins coach Joe Philbin, the team’s offensive coordinator from 2007-11. Besides, It is presumed that McCarthy may start interviewing candidates to replace him soon enough.

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