NFL Network Adds Manti Te’o And Ron Rivera To Its Expanding Analyst Team

Image Source: Grindstone Media Group / Shutterstock

Former NFL linebacker and Notre Dame star Manti Te’o has been added to the roster of analysts for the league-owned network, as reported by Ben Axelrod of Awful Announcing.

Te’o will be joining Ron Rivera, Nate Tice, and Isaiah Stanback as fresh faces on the NFL Network.

Many recognize Te’o from the Netflix documentary Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist. However, that was over ten years ago, and Te’o is now stepping into a new, well-deserved phase of his career.

Ron Rivera is notably the former head coach of the Carolina Panthers and Washington Commanders, with his dismissal from the Commanders occurring in 2023.

“While Rivera has the more distinguished background, Te’o is likely the most prominent name among the new analysts at the NFL Network,” Axelrod commented. “After a legendary yet controversial career at Notre Dame, he finished eight seasons in the NFL before retiring after the 2020 season. Similar to Rivera, he has made several appearances on NFL Network shows in recent weeks, signaling his upcoming official role.”

Rivera also brings valuable connections within the NFL, providing an essential coaching perspective.

“Each of the four analysts contributes unique experiences to the network, with Rivera being the standout,” Axelrod noted. “At 62 years old, he has dedicated the past 14 seasons as an NFL head coach, most recently with the Washington Commanders, giving him extensive knowledge about the league’s players and coaches.”

The 2024 NFL season is set to begin on Thursday, featuring the Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs taking on the Baltimore Ravens. The following night, the Green Bay Packers will face the Philadelphia Eagles.

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