
Social Media Was Completely Fooled By LeBron James’ Ridiculous Quote About Lionel Messi’s Game-Winning Goal During Inter Miami Debut (TWEETS)

Even sports media stars like Stephen A. Smith and Kendrick Perkins have fallen for fake online quotes, so the fans who fell for this latest LeBron James bit shouldn’t feel too bad. Still, y’all got Buttcracked…

The NFL and NBA are in their offseasons, so Lionel Messi is the new buzz around the place, having come to the United States to play in the MLS. The World Cup winner debuted for David Beckham’s Inter Miami against Cruz Azul on Friday and announced his arrival in a way only Messi could.

With the game headed for a 1-1 draw, the Argentinian forward stepped up in the 91st minute to drill a superbly-taken free kick past the opposing goalkeeper to stun the stadium.

LeBron, who was one of the many celebrities in attendance, claimed to have told Kim Kardashian that the ball would end up in the back of the net. Of course, he didn’t actually say that. The quote is from the notorious Buttcrack Sports Twitter account, yet it completely fooled fans.

Take a look at some of their reactions here:

This was an easier one to pull off as LeBron has earned himself the reputation of being a man who tells fibs. There are lengthy compilations out there.

New Miami Dolphins star Jalen Ramsey has famously called him out for “capping.” However, when it comes to the Messi game-winner, though, he’s not guilty.


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