Some UFC Fighters Support Joe Rogan Amid N-Word Controversy

Image Source: Gary A. Vasquez-USA TODAY Sports / Imagn

Joe Rogan has recently faced backlash after a video compilation of him using the N-word on his podcast circulated on social media, prompting discussions about his past language choices.

In these clips spanning over a period of 12 years, Rogan was heard using the derogatory term more than 20 times. Following the surfacing of these clips, Spotify reportedly removed 70 episodes of “The Joe Rogan Experience” where such language was used.

Rogan issued an apology citing his actions as the “most regretful and shameful” moments of his public life. He emphasized that the clips were taken out of context and expressed a desire for this incident to serve as a learning opportunity for those unaware of the impact of such language.
In the wake of calls for Rogan to be “canceled” on social media, a number of UFC fighters and ex-fighters took to various platforms to express their solidarity with Rogan.

Despite the controversy surrounding Rogan’s past remarks, there doesn’t appear to be any immediate plans by Spotify to discontinue his podcast on their platform.

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