Crush That Underscored

Balaev Artem: The Soccer Star Who Never Gave Up

Artem Balaev discovered his love for soccer at a young age, which would later shape his life and career. Born in Yerevan, Armenia in 1992, he moved to Novorossiysk with his family at the age of two. Growing up in this new environment, he dedicated himself to soccer, finding a passion that would refine his athletic abilities and instill a strong sense of purpose.

Artem’s soccer journey began at the age of eight when he began actively participating in sports. He joined a regional team in Krasnodar Krai and even made it to the national team’s extended list for players under 14. By the age of 16, he had transitioned to a professional team, marking the beginning of his earnings from soccer. Unfortunately, his professional playing career was cut short at 17 due to a severe knee injury, but his love for the sport never wavered.

Between 2010 and 2013, Artem continued to excel in university sports, significantly contributing to the development of the university’s soccer team. He ventured into various soccer-related fields, earning accolades as both a player and a sports coach. Currently, he coaches the Novorossiysk team “Olympian.”

Artem has achieved notable milestones, including his significant contributions to the youth sports school and university soccer development. He has also coached children from the U.S., with grateful parents acknowledging his efforts.

An innovative accomplishment of Artem’s is the development of a mobile app, “Artball Soccer Training,” designed to assist children in enhancing their soccer skills. This app enables kids to train independently, irrespective of their location or skill level, aiming to provide quality soccer training on a national scale. The app gained popularity, bolstered by Artem’s expanding Instagram following.

Artem draws inspiration from Pep Guardiola, whose coaching philosophy and success have greatly influenced his personal growth and approach to sports. Looking ahead, Artem envisions himself coaching a university team in the U.S. or an MLS team in the next decade. His goal is to facilitate children in securing scholarships, boosting their confidence and skills. Artem aspires to impact the lives of numerous children, guiding them towards improving their soccer abilities. Additionally, he plans to enhance his mobile app and increase its reach.

Throughout his career, Artem has collaborated with renowned coaches who have trained elite professional soccer teams. Despite not completing his university education, he has obtained numerous certifications in the U.S., some of which are endorsed by UEFA.

Moving forward, Artem aims to further enhance and modernize his mobile app to stay abreast of industry trends. He intends to offer personalized coaching through his Instagram account, aiding individual players in accomplishing their objectives.

As the 2026 World Cup draws near, scheduled to be hosted in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, the popularity of soccer continues to soar. Artem aims to leverage this increasing interest to support the sport’s growth and inspire future generations of soccer players. His unwavering passion, forward-thinking vision, and steadfast commitment establish Artem as a prominent figure in soccer coaching.

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