Pittsburgh Steelers Welcomes The NFL Draft Back For Another Round

Image Source: Joy Fera / Shutterstock

The NFL Draft is set to navigate through the rugged terrain of Pittsburgh’s storied football legacy once again in 2026.

Pittsburgh, celebrated for its legendary ‘Steel Curtain’ defense and iconic players like ‘Big Ben’ Roethlisberger, will be front and center as it plays host to the 2026 NFL Draft for the second time.

Despite the Pittsburgh Steelers’ recent absence from the realm of Super Bowl frontrunners, their fan base never fails to display championship-level passion. Anticipate a flood of fervent supporters clad in black and gold, waving their Terrible Towels, come the 2026 NFL Draft.

The announcement was made by the league this past Wednesday.

“We’re ecstatic to bring the NFL Draft, an event that draws an immense audience each year, to Pittsburgh in partnership with the Pittsburgh Steelers and VisitPITTSBURGH for the 2026 gathering,” said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. The press release issued by the commissioner conveyed excitement at the prospect of Pittsburgh being thrust into the global spotlight, sparking economic growth and captivating football enthusiasts across all markets. He expressed confidence that Pennsylvania’s pride will dazzle in 2026.”

According to NBC Sports:

“The Big Apple was home to the NFL Draft for an unbroken span from 1965 to 2014, after which the event moved to Chicago for a two-year stint. Since 2017, the Draft has been a traveling show, setting up shop in a different city each season. Philadelphia kicked off this new tradition, with Dallas (2018), Nashville (2019), Cleveland (2021), Las Vegas (2022), Kansas City (2023), and Detroit (2024) all debuting as hosts.

“After the 2026 event, Pittsburgh will join a select group of cities hosting the draft on multiple occasions, including New York (57 drafts), Philadelphia (12), and Chicago (10).”

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