NBA Star Denied Entrance In Canada For Game Against Toronto Raptors

Image Source: milesbridges @ instagram

The Charlotte Hornets are currently facing the Toronto Raptors, but one player from the Hornets will not be participating in tonight’s game.

Miles Bridges, a star player for the Hornets, is unable to play in the game.

According to ESPN NBA insider Adrian Wojnarowski, Canada has refused entry to Bridges due to a previous felony charge.

Wojnarowski reported, “Canada’s decision to deny Hornets F Miles Bridges entry into country is unlikely to be reversed in time for him to arrive for tonight’s game vs. Raptors. Bridges – who plead no contest to felony charge of injuring a child’s parent – was denied border access Sunday.”

The team’s efforts to reverse the decision were unsuccessful, and Bridges was officially ruled out shortly before tip-off.

In 2022, Bridges faced multiple felony counts of domestic violence and ultimately pled no contest to a charge related to injuring a child’s parent. The other charges were dropped.

As part of his plea agreement, he avoided jail time but was placed on three years of probation. He was also required to attend 52 weeks of domestic violence counseling, 52 weeks of parenting classes, and perform 100 hours of community service, in addition to undergoing weekly narcotics testing.

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