Netflix To Release Major Documentary Covering Urban Meyer’s Florida Gators

Vanderbilt centerfielder Enrique Bradfield Jr. makes a sliding catch on the warning track against Florida Saturday, May 27, 2023, at the Hoover Met in the semifinal round.

A documentary on the most controversial and successful period of Gators football finally has a name and a release date.

It has long been rumored, but now a date has finally been set.

Netflix’s documentary on the 2006-09 Gators football teams, called “Swamp Kings,” will be released on August 23rd. It will supposedly cover Urban Meyer’s Florida teams from 2006-09.

The documentary will be released under the “Untold” series banner. That series includes several sports-centric angles, including the powerful documentary about former Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te’o and “The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist.”

The Gators won two national titles in three seasons in the timeframe of the documentary. It should make for compelling viewing as there was quite a contrast of players on Meyer’s roster. There were a number of off-the-field legal issues while the team was led by Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow.

From 2005-10, Meyer’s teams saw a reported 31 players arrested. One of the most infamous players from that era, tight end Aaron Hernandez, would star at Florida and later in the NFL for the Patriots. His career would come to an end after being arrested for murder.

Hernandez was later found guilty of first-degree murder in the death of Odin Lloyd. He was found dead in his prison cell in April 2017 soon after he was found not guilty of a double murder.

This documentary might be the most-watched doc in history with how many fans have been calling for this for years.

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